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About the missionen

Increase children and young people's participation in communities and reduce social inequality in well-being (Participating)

About the missionen

Increase children and young people's participation in communities and reduce social inequality in well-being (Participating)

It is a challenge that more children and young people report conditions that indicate that they are at risk of physical, mental and social discontent. Research shows that participation in communities is important to prevent poor well-being, but is not always associated with the experience of belonging and being involved.

We need to work in community-oriented and community-based ways on the well-being and sense of belonging of different groups of young people, with a focus on the diverse interests and opportunities of children and young people in rural and urban areas, as well as considering social, economic, and cultural differences.

There must be a focus on both young people who are connected to education, work and leisure life, and young people who are not due to physical, mental and social discontent, for example, the young people in the NEET group (not in employment, education or training) who are vulnerable to exclusion and marginalization on the road to adulthood.

We need new models for co-creation that increase the responsiveness and capacity of institutions, organizations, associations and companies across sectors to support children and young people's participation in communities and local environments, in ways that strengthen their physical, mental and social well-being.


  • Prevent social, physical and mental distress and promote general health for children and young people.
  • Improve children and young people's sense of belonging and participation in communities/local environments.
  • Establish cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration to develop well-being-supporting communities and local environments in collaboration with young people.
  • Develop the services and activities of institutions, organizations, associations and companies so that they contribute to preventing poor well-being and are sensitive to the varied positions, interests, needs, etc. of children and young people.
  • Reduce inequality in well-being among children and young people with different socio-economic, geographical and cultural backgrounds.