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About the Mission

Improve children's well-being in learning environments (Learning)

About the Mission

Improve children's well-being in learning environments (Learning)

It is a challenge that more children and young people are less happy with school, and that some are not thriving to the extent that they have worrisome levels of school absenteeism, making it difficult to complete their education.

Research shows that well-being and learning are linked, and that it is possible to develop learning methods and practices in school and education that support both.

There is a need to develop knowledge and learning methods as well as pedagogical practices that involve and integrate the physical, social, digital, aesthetic and bodily conditions for the interaction between well-being and learning.

This must be done in co-creation with children, young people, as well as professionals and decision-makers, and with the inclusion of themes, environments and conditions that engage children and young people, such as nature and the environment, clothing and consumption, extracurricular work/internships, family life, social life and friendships, music and creativity, digital technologies.

There must be a focus on learning methods and practices across general and special services, to generally create better well-being among children and young people in school and education, to support children and young people – who at times find it difficult to participate in school or education – in their well-being and learning, to reduce worrisome school absenteeism or drop-out, and reverse tendencies towards increasing segregation. 


  • Better physical, mental and social well-being in learning environments in school, youth education and higher education
  • Fewer children and young people with worrisome school absenteeism and drop-out from education due to physical, mental and social discontentment
  • Better cross-sectoral and professional collaboration to create learning environments that create physical, mental and social well-being